Anxiety Has Left the Building, Vitamin B1 has arrived BUY NOW
by Daniel Stanton


Welcome to Health By Principle, a key part of the Stanton Migraine Protocol.

We hope that this page offers beneficial information to those who suffer from migraines as well as those who are trying to understand what exactly a migraine is. We, like you, have suffered from migraines for years and like you, we want to find a cure that will make the migraines go away without affecting other parts of our health.

Our team has been working hard to create a line of products that will provide you with nutritional support for migraine relief. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality supplements that will deliver results.

This blog is to be a resource place where we can all come together as a community and help each other in dealing with our migraines.

Feel free to leave a comment or suggestion below!