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Rarely do we think about what our body needs; we just think about what we want. More often than not, those things we want are very easy to get. Food, one of the most important and vital parts of our lives, is a need. We need to eat in order to survive, so what are you feeding your body? Are you feeding it what you want, or what it needs?

Growing up, we are taught how to eat in the USDA food pyramid way.

The USDA food pyramid contains the food groups we are supposed to have, built from bottom to top: they recommend eating the most from the food groups at the bottom, and as the pyramid narrows, it’s recommended to eat less and less from those groups.

At the top, the USDA food pyramid contains the typical fats, sweets, and added sugar foods. Fats include, oils (seed and nut oils, including olive oil), and sweets(such as candy, donuts, cakes, juices, ice cream, etc.).

The bottom has all grains, rice, and pasta. You must know that everything on the bottom is high carbohydrate food that immediately turns into glucose. Eating any of the bottom items is equivalent to eating sugar. This group is refined carbohydrates that turn into glucose in the body immediately.

The second levelon the USDA pyramid is filled with fruits and vegetables: all carbohydrates! As mentioned before, carbohydrates convert to glucose in your body. Eating more glucose than your body needs deposits as fat AND initiates insulin resistance. That is because eachfood that converts to glucose needs insulin to be absorbed. It is be best not use our insulin too much!

The third level of the USDA pyramid contains dairy, meats, and fish. It is interesting to note that whole milk is the perfect electrolyte for migraines, yet, according to the USDA, we should not drink much. Cheese is the most nutritious food along with eggs (an egg yolk is one of the most nutrition-dense foods). Proteins are necessary for muscle regeneration—not from protein powders and bars, but from real meat. Eating too much protein also converts to glucose, so don’t pile that up!

The only foods on the USDA pyramid that don’t spike insulin or disrupt Electrolyte Homeostasis for migraineurs are fats, seafood, and meat. All other food groups are bad for migraineurs (and all other people, for that matter). If one must eat any fruits and veggies (carbs are not essential, and none need to be consumed to be healthy), choose high fiber, low sugar, no starch veggies, such as dark leafy greens, and fruits, nuts, and seeds.

Here’s where we come to the food pyramid for migraineurs:

It is an up-side-down pyramid that contains no grains at all.

The bottom layer contains all meats, seafood, dairy, and eggs.

The second layer is oils and fats that are healthy—included in this are high-oil foods such as avocado and coconuts.

The third level has only high-fiber vegetables that have minimal (if any) carbs and minimal or no starch.

Level four contains food to be consumed in minimal quantities: some types of berries, nuts, and seeds.

Read more about the Want vs. Need Culture here


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