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How to advocate for your migraineur child in school


By Rachel Welch 


Migraineurs have a unique situation that sometimes requires a unique approach. For adult migraineurs, it is imperative to advocate for themselves at work, in their social groups, and beyond. Unfortunately, migraines are not age-specific and can affect our younger family members and friends. Engaging the necessary support at school or within peer activities can be challenging for school-aged migraineurs. As a parent, it is vital to help advocate for your migraineur child in school. Here is how you can do just that.  


Migraines are not just an affliction of adults; they also affect many children. Statistics reveal that approximately 7 million children and adolescents in the United States suffer from migraines, making it a prevalent pediatric condition. Globally, it is estimated that 60% of children and adolescents experience significantly impairing headaches. These young migraineurs already face numerous challenges at school, without considering the added challenge of migraines, which can impact their academic performance and overall well-being. 


Children with migraines often struggle with recurrent, severe headaches lasting hours or days. The pain is frequently accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Unsurprisingly, these symptoms can disrupt their ability to concentrate, participate in class, and complete assignments, leading to missed school days. 


Advocating for a child with migraines at school is crucial to ensure they receive the support they need. Parents and caregivers should work with teachers and school staff to develop a migraine management plan that can provide their migraineur child with some support. Supporting your child with migraines in school is essential for their well-being, academic success, and ability to feel at peace socially with their peers. You can create a supportive environment by working collaboratively with your child's school. Here are some practical ideas to consider: 


  1. Communication is Key:
  • Open a dialogue with your child's teachers and school nurse about your child's condition. Ensure they understand the nature and severity of the migraines. 
  • Empower your child to communicate their needs with their teachers, as well. Ideally, your child will feel comfortable going to their authority figures at school and asking for help when needed.  


  1. Migraine Management Plan:
  • Work with the school to create a formal plan outlining how to respond when your child has a migraine. 
  • Include details on medication administration, if applicable. 


  1. Classroom Accommodations:
  • Request seating arrangements that minimize exposure to bright lights and loud noises. 
  • Allow your child to take short breaks as needed to rest in a quiet, darkened area. 


  1. Hydration and Nutrition:
  • Encourage your child to stay hydrated and maintain a regular eating schedule to prevent migraine triggers. 
  • As is the case for all of us, but especially migraineurs, nutrition plays a pivotal role in migraine prevention and maintenance. Focus on feeding your child plenty of foods that contain helpful magnesium, vitamin D, and other crucial nutrients.  


  1. Awareness:
  • Educate teachers and classmates about migraines to foster understanding and empathy. 


  1. Medication Access:
  • Ensure the school nurse has a supply of prescribed medication, if your child uses any, and knows when and how to administer it. 


  1. Regular Sleep Routine:
  • Help your child establish a consistent sleep schedule, as disrupted sleep can trigger migraines. 
  • Practice good sleep hygiene before bedtime to help your kiddo get the best sleep possible. This could include avoiding screen time two hours before bed and helping them wind down mentally before it’s time to sleep. 


  1. Stress Management:
  • Teach stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness to help your child manage stress. 
  • Meditation is a powerful tool for people of all ages. Look into age-appropriate meditations online. Youtube is one of many resources that offer free meditations of different styles and lengths.  


  1. Communication Logs:
  • Maintain a migraine diary to track triggers, symptoms, and patterns. Share this with the school to assist in managing migraines effectively. 
  • Depending on your child's age, empower them to take up journaling. Keeping a migraine journal can be very helpful in tracking potential triggers, as well as helping to establish a feeling of control over one’s health.  


  1. Flexibility in Assignments:
  • Request leniency in deadlines or the option to make up missed assignments if a migraine interferes with schoolwork. 
  • Empower your child to be proactive with their assignment due dates. If possible, encourage them to do work ahead of time when they are feeling well to set themselves up for success should a migraine set them back at a later time.  


  1. School Support Group:
  • Connect with other parents of children with migraines to share experiences, advice, and resources. 
  • Community can be powerful and supportive. Look on social platforms to find like-minded parents and individuals who can commiserate with and understand the experience of migraineurs.  


  1. Regular Check-Ins:
  • Schedule periodic meetings with school staff to evaluate the effectiveness of the migraine management plan and make necessary adjustments. 


  1. Emergency Contact Information:
  • Provide up-to-date contact information in case your child's condition worsens at school. 


  1. Encourage Independence:
  • Teach your child how to recognize and communicate the early signs of a migraine, empowering them to self-advocate when needed. 


  1. Pediatrician Consultation:
  • Consult a pediatrician or specialist to explore treatment options and identify specific triggers. 


Remember that every child's experience with migraines is unique. Tailor the support to your child's needs and continuously evaluate the strategies in place. With effective communication and a proactive approach, you can help your child thrive at school while managing their migraines. 



Migraine management for all ages 


Migraines can severely impact an individual's quality of life. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to preventing migraines, combining nutrition, lifestyle habits, and tracking strategies can help reduce their frequency and severity. 




Diet plays a crucial role in migraine prevention. Some common triggers include caffeine, alcohol, sugar-filled foods, processed foods, and artificial sweeteners. It's important to identify specific trigger foods and avoid them. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels by eating regular, balanced meals can also help prevent migraines. Some individuals find relief by following a low-tyramine or low-histamine diet, as these compounds can contribute to migraine attacks. 




Dehydration can be a migraine trigger for many people. Staying well-hydrated is essential. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily, and more if you're in a hot or dry climate or engaging in physical activity. 


Sleep: Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and getting adequate rest is crucial for preventing migraines. Both sleep deprivation and excessive sleep can trigger migraines. 


Stress Management: Stress is a common migraine trigger. Practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help manage stress and reduce the risk of migraines. 


Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can help prevent migraines. However, intense or strenuous exercise can be a trigger for some individuals, so it's important to find a balance that works for you. 

Limit Screen Time: Prolonged screen time, especially with computers and smartphones, can lead to eye strain and trigger migraines. Taking breaks and using blue light filters can be helpful. 


Tracking: Keeping a detailed migraine diary can be instrumental in pinpointing triggers and developing an effective prevention plan. Record the following information for each migraine episode: 


- Date and time of onset 

- Duration and severity of the headache 

- Possible triggers (food, stress, lack of sleep, etc.) 

- Medications taken and their effectiveness 

- Menstrual cycle (for women) 

- Weather conditions 


Reviewing this data can help identify patterns and potential triggers. Over time, you can adjust your lifestyle and habits accordingly. 


Medications and Supplements: 


Magnesium, vitamin D, electrolytes, and proper hydration play pivotal roles in preventing and coping with migraines. Each of these elements contributes to overall health and well-being, and their benefits extend to reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks. 




Magnesium is an essential mineral with numerous bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function. It has gained attention for its potential role in migraine prevention and provides some meaningful benefits: 


- Vasodilation: Magnesium helps relax blood vessels, reducing the risk of vasodilation, a common trigger for migraines. 

- Neurotransmitter Regulation: Magnesium modulates neurotransmitters in the brain, which can influence pain perception and help prevent migraines. 

- Reduction of Cortical Spreading Depression (CSD): CSD is a neurological event that can trigger migraines. Magnesium may help reduce the occurrence of CSD. 


Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables. If dietary sources are insufficient, magnesium supplements can be considered under the guidance of a healthcare professional. 


Vitamin D: 


Vitamin D is crucial for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. Emerging research suggests that a deficiency in vitamin D may be linked to an increased risk of migraine attacks. Here's how vitamin D can be beneficial: 


- Anti-inflammatory Effects: Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation-related migraine triggers. 

- Mood Stabilization: Vitamin D may help stabilize mood, potentially reducing stress-related migraine episodes. 

- Regulation of Neurotransmitters: Vitamin D can influence neurotransmitter activity, possibly impacting migraine susceptibility. 


Vitamin D is primarily obtained through sunlight exposure but can also be found in fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and supplements. Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels may be particularly important for individuals with a history of migraines. 


Electrolytes and Hydration: 


Proper hydration and electrolyte balance are essential for maintaining overall health and can be critical in migraine prevention and management: 


- Dehydration Trigger: Dehydration is a well-known migraine trigger. Ensuring adequate fluid intake is crucial to prevent this trigger. 

- Electrolyte Balance: Imbalances in electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and calcium can contribute to migraine attacks. Consuming foods rich in these electrolytes and staying hydrated helps maintain balance. 

- Maintaining Blood Flow: Adequate hydration ensures proper blood flow to the brain, reducing the risk of migraines related to decreased blood flow. 


By establishing a plan of action for your child, empowering them to seek support from their teachers and peers, and facilitating healthy lifestyle habits, you can equip your migraineur child to succeed in school and in daily life. With a firm foundation and proper support, migraine prevention for your school-aged child can become more manageable and easier to navigate.  


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