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by Barbara Eruo

Why It is Important to Take Vitamin D in the Winter


During the chilly winter season, it becomes more difficult for you to get the sunlight that you need. This is partly because people tend to stay indoors to avoid the cold weather, reducing the amount of time spent out in the sun. Couple this with the fact that the days are shorter, there is less opportunity to catch the sun’s rays. And this can be a problem since the sun serves as the primary source of vitamin D. Due to these factors, this means that people get less vitamin D in the wintertime (1).

What’s So Important About Vitamin D?

Vitamin D does a lot for your body. Perhaps its most well-known benefit is that it is good for maintaining strong, healthy bones. Without the support of vitamin D, your bones can become thin and brittle. Eventually, this can lead to pain in your joints and problems with balance (2).

Well how about the other health benefits of vitamin D?

The vitamin plays an important role in a variety of other functions, including immunity, mood, and cardiovascular health. It helps to regulate the body’s immune response and fight off harmful bacteria and viruses, helping build a stronger immune system. And have you ever noticed how much happier you feel after spending time out in the sun? That is because vitamin D helps improve your mood! Also, in some studies, researchers found that vitamin D helps reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of some cardiovascular issues (2)Therefore, vitamin D is an essential part of your overall health.

Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency

If you do not obtain enough vitamin D, you may end up with vitamin D deficiency. A deficiency can lead to various health issues, such as:

  • Depressed mood 
  • Weakened immune system 
  • Fatigue and low energy 
  • Bone and joint pain 
  • Muscle weakness 
  • Increased falls in older people 
  • Hair loss (3).

For some people, it can contribute to more serious problems like osteoporosis and heart disease (4). So if you notice that you are getting sick more often or your mood feels not so great, it could be that you aren’t getting enough vitamin D.

How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter

Like was said earlier, the sun is the main source for vitamin D production. When your body is exposed to sunlight, it triggers a reaction in your skin that ends in the production of vitamin D. Two other ways you can effectively get vitamin D is by eating foods that contain it and by taking dietary supplements. Some good sources of the nutrient include fatty fish like salmon and tuna, legumes like beans and lentils, mushrooms, and eggs. With dietary supplements, look for products that contain vitamin D3. Research has shown that vitamin D3 supplements do a good job of increasing your vitamin D levels. Our Complete Vitamin D3 Supplement also uses the power of magnesium and organic extra virgin coconut oil to make sure the nutrients properly absorb into the body. They are an easy addition to your daily health routine.

Health professionals recommend that you consume around 600 IU of vitamin D each day, if you do not get enough sun. And make sure not to take more than 4,000 IU per day or you may experience bad side effects (5). We recommend that you talk to a medical professional about the recommended dosage for you before taking a supplement. By communicating with them, you can get a good idea about what works for you.

Although there isn’t as much sun available during the wintertime, you still have some great options through which you can get vitamin D. We at Health By Principle can assist you with your vitamin D needs!






1. Callahan, A. (2018, February 16). Do I Get Enough Vitamin D in the Winter? Retrieved from

2. Office of Dietary Supplements. (n.d.). Office of Dietary Supplements - Vitamin D. Retrieved from

3. Spritzler, F. (2018, July 23). 8 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency. Retrieved from

4. Vitamin D Deficiency.(n.d.).Retrieved from 

5. Cantorna, M. T. (2020, January 19). Why getting enough vitamin D in wintertime is so important. Retrieved from