The gut is now being called the second brain and its power to alter human behavior is fascinating scientists. Now, experts think that the microbiome is connected to our fitness level, but how and to what degree?
Since June is Men’s Health Month and Migraine Awareness Month, we want to discuss the stigma around men and migraines (and head pain, and trauma in general), why masculinity proves a barrier to quality medical care, how migraines are particularly dangerous for men, the current research, symptoms men should look out for, and what can be done.
Iodine is essential to the correct functioning of many organ systems within the human body, but too much or too little can be problematic. It’s important to regulate your iodine intake if you are supplementing or have conditions like Hashimoto’s or Graves’ diseases that make you particularly sensitive to iodine.
Mental fatigue is a particular and multifaceted challenge for migraine sufferers. Studies have found that mental fatigue contributes to migraines, migraines contribute to mental fatigue, and both contribute to depression.
Migraine and depression are deeply intertwined partly thanks to similar pathways within the brain. Even though they are distinct conditions - migraines being a neurological disorder and depression a mood disorder - they are so connected that they can both have an impact on each other.
The story of migraine isn’t told or shared alone. There are other people in the chapters: significant others, children, siblings, parents, friends, and coworkers. How do you explain to them kindly, patiently, and effectively that migraines change you and how they can help during a migraine attack?