News filter by salt

The Truth About Salt: Debunking the Myths

The Truth About Salt: Debunking the Myths

Rigorous studies showed that when salt consumption is reduced, blood pressure is just as likely to rise (~15%) as it is to decline (~18%). The other 70% of subjects had no change in their blood pressure when salt was reduced in their diets (1). Moreover, most recent research shows that significant reduction in dietary salt increased death events from cardiovascular disease, the very thing these regulations hoped to prevent.
Iodine: Not Enough, Too Much, and Why You Need to Regulate Your Supplements

Iodine: Not Enough, Too Much, and Why You Need to Regulate Your Supplements

Iodine is essential to the correct functioning of many organ systems within the human body, but too much or too little can be problematic. It’s important to regulate your iodine intake if you are supplementing or have conditions like Hashimoto’s or Graves’ diseases that make you particularly sensitive to iodine.  
photo of a healthy, colorful meal:  lean protein, greens and eggs.

Is Restaurant Food Sabotaging Your Health Goals? Meal Prepping Pros and Cons

It seems like health is always at the top of many lists at the start of each new year. One small change, even the shift from eating out to preparing meals at home, can create a positive domino effect within your life. 
The Body and Dehydration: Symptoms and Solutions

The Body and Dehydration: Symptoms and Solutions

Our bodies are mostly water, and need consistent hydration to be at their best! What are the signs of dehydration and how do we avoid it? 
A young woman with long brown hair grips her head in pain. A wine bottle and glass of wine are on the table in front of her.

Electrolytes—A Hangover Cure?

Alcohol does many things to the human body and a hangover is a physiological reaction to initiated processes: blood vessels expand, your stomach is irritated, your pancreas and intestines are stimulated, and your liver works hard to clear the oxidized alcohol from your system. The good news? Electrolytes can help.
How the Food Environment Affects Your Food Choices

How the Food Environment Affects Your Food Choices

The environment around you can affect the food choices that you make in your life. It's important to be aware of your options and choose what works best for you.



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