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Get Grounded

Get Grounded

Getting grounded no longer has to mean you’re in trouble. It may mean that your health is better than ever! 
Mental Makeover: New Science on Combatting Mental Fatigue

Mental Makeover: New Science on Combatting Mental Fatigue

Mental fatigue is a particular and multifaceted challenge for migraine sufferers. Studies have found that mental fatigue contributes to migraines, migraines contribute to mental fatigue, and both contribute to depression.
Migraines and Depression: Is There a Link?

Migraines and Depression: Is There a Link?

Migraine and depression are deeply intertwined partly thanks to similar pathways within the brain. Even though they are distinct conditions - migraines being a neurological disorder and depression a mood disorder - they are so connected that they can both have an impact on each other.



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