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Why Do I Have Brain Fog?

Why Do I Have Brain Fog?

Brain fog causes many unpleasant symptoms. Why do we have it, and what can we do about it?
5 Questions about Depression and Vitamin D Deficiency

5 Questions about Depression and Vitamin D Deficiency

A number of studies link vitamin D deficiency with depression. We asked five questions to better understand how vitamin D affects depression’s symptoms.

How to Reduce Depression’s Impact on Relationships

How to Reduce Depression’s Impact on Relationships

The increase in depression has become a national health crisis, and managing relationships you value when you have depression is vital. Health By Principle offers this guide to communicating about your depression, and also some science-backed mood boosting supplement suggestions like Vitamin D and Magnesium. 

The Stigma of Depression

The Stigma of Depression

Depression is a mental health illness that can make people feel alone and in their heads. But you are not alone. Say it with me.
The Possible Link Between Social Media and Depression

The Possible Link Between Social Media and Depression

There has been much speculation and resultant studies about whether there is a connection between social media and mental health. It appears that social media presents both negative and positive effects for the average user.
A woman observes a stunning, pastel sunrise with her back to the camera. Her arms are extended overhead and she is giving two thumbs up, suggesting she is joyful.

Emotional Resilience, Part 1: What is It?

Emotional resilience is a powerful thing and necessary for navigating life, but what is it, really? How can someone cultivate it? New research suggests that resilience is a combination of genetic, psychological, biological, social, and spiritual influences. While some of these factors are beyond our control, others, thankfully, can be improved.



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