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A cartoon graphic showing a young girl in an aqua shirt with thought bubbles showing a beach and a wooded scene. The title: How Spending Time Outdoors Improves Mental Health.

Outdoor Therapy: How It’s Good For Your Well-Being

Simply being in nature can trigger a release of feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin, but some people are unaware of nature's power to heal, particularly since roughly 80% of Americans live in urban areas. HBP explores how nature can improve your mood and overall well-being.
Don't Be Fooled: Youtube Creators Aren't Your Friends

Don't Be Fooled: Youtube Creators Aren't Your Friends

Parasocial relationships through Youtube are a thing. And whether it is a good or bad thing is up for debate. But, let's be clear: Youtubers are not your friends.
A group of young women joyfully drink coffee and laugh hard.

Laughing More Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Keep the people who make you laugh and feel joyful close--they are actually good for your health. Laugher has myriad benefits and can even help reduce pain! We take a dive into gelotology (the study of laughter) to understand how laughter can improve quality of life AND longevity. 
A young woman who has a towel around her neck and appears to have been exercising holds a bottle of water up to her lips.

When Are The Best Times To Drink Water?

When are the best times to drink water? 1: First thing in the morning. You haven't had any hydration from sleeping. 2. Before you eat. Is your hunger mostly thirst? Sometimes it's hard for your brain to tell. 3: In between meals 4: Before and after exercise. (It just makes sense.) 5: When you're tired. Maybe that go-to cup of coffee should actually be water. 6: Two hours before you sleep. Hydrate your body, but also try to avoid the half-asleep stumble to the bathroom.
Gratitude Makes Your Life Better, and Here’s Why

Gratitude Makes Your Life Better, and Here’s Why

As someone who is very interested in the way that...
A pug rests in a human bed, with it's head on the pillow, it's body under a blanket, and an eye mask over its eyes.

Take the Time to Care for Yourself

Self-care isn't one-size-fits-all, you need to develop an understanding of what it is that restores you. And contrary to popular opinion, whatever it is, it doesn't have to be expensive.



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