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A professional woman in a white buttoned shirt has a laptop in front of her, has removed her glasses, closed her eyes and is pinching the bridge of her nose, clearly showing signs of pain from a migraine.

Migraines: Push Through the Work Day or Go Home?

38 million people who suffer migraines in America are often faced with the same question: do I attempt to push through or do I go home? One recent study found that 64% of migraines took place during the workday, while migraineurs took different paths with regard to work and migraine.
A group of young women joyfully drink coffee and laugh hard.

Laughing More Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Keep the people who make you laugh and feel joyful close--they are actually good for your health. Laugher has myriad benefits and can even help reduce pain! We take a dive into gelotology (the study of laughter) to understand how laughter can improve quality of life AND longevity. 
A graphic titled Gut Flora that shows photos of the digestive system intermingled with various foods and vegetables.

Food for Thought: Making Sense of the Two Brains

It seems like something from a science fiction novel, but it's not: the human body has a "second brain" composed of two thin layers of more than 100 million nerve cells that run from the esophagus to the tail end of the body. It is a technical network that works independently of the brain and controls its own reflexes and senses. Information and signals are passed through the complex network of neurons to coordinate efforts and move food through the digestive system.
Gratitude Makes Your Life Better, and Here’s Why

Gratitude Makes Your Life Better, and Here’s Why

As someone who is very interested in the way that...
A group of young people are lined up against a wall, not interacting with each other, but rather looking at their phones.

Why “Fear of Missing Out” Has Become a Real Thing

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) seems simple on the surface, but it is actually a multidimensional and complex psycho-social phenomenon linked to our desire for interpersonal attachments and belonging.
a bunch of sugar on a wooden table, a lit and smoking cigarette has been etched into the sugar.

Has Sugar Become the Next Smoking?

The harms of sugar are being noticed around the world, with the UK even taxing sugary drinks and proposing shifts in packaging for sugary products. Has Sugar Become the Next Smoking?



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