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The Truth about Salt

The Truth about Salt

Rigorous studies showed that when salt consumption is reduced, blood pressure is just as likely to rise (~15%) as it is to decline (~18%). The other 70% of subjects had no change in their blood pressure when salt was reduced in their diets (1). Moreover, most recent research shows that significant reduction in dietary salt increased death events from cardiovascular disease, the very thing these regulations hoped to prevent.
The Migraine Prevention Process: What to Expect

The Migraine Prevention Process: What to Expect

If you’re a migraineur and have decided to start making lifestyle changes to prevent your migraines without medicines, your brain’s recovery will take time. Carefully monitoring your diet and maintaining proper cell hydration, or Electrolyte Homeostasis, takes attention, time, and self-control. You’ll be doing your best and you likely won’t see full results right away.

Top Foods to Prevent or Lessen A Migraine

Top Foods to Prevent or Lessen A Migraine

Even though there isn’t one simple solution to prevent migraines, there is a balance that, when achieved in your diet, can lessen or prevent your migraine.
Drinking Water Doesn't Mean You're Hydrated

Drinking Water Doesn't Mean You're Hydrated

It can be shocking to learn that you can drink water all day and still be dehydrated. But, water itself does not hydrate your cells. For water to be absorbed and used properly in the body, it needs electrolytes too. 
Why Sugar Is Often a Migraine Trigger

Why Sugar Is Often a Migraine Trigger

Sugar and caffeine are diuretics, meaning they dehydrate your body. The biochemical balance of your cells get disrupted and you no longer have Electrolyte Homeostasis (proper cell hydration).
The Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic Diet

Increasing fat and reducing cabs and protein significantly puts your metabolic state into ketosis—fat burning instead of glucose burning. Ketosis or ketones are naturally produced molecules created by the liver. Using ketones for fuel instead of glucose, your body is burning your fat as energy.
by Health By Principle Staff on October 10, 2016  in dietendurancefoodhealthyinformativeketogenic dietketosislifestylemigrainenutritionwellness



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